Frequently ask questions

In this section you will find the questions most frequently asked by our visitors and those interested in visiting the museum.

  • The visit lasts around 2 hours, depending on your taste for art and for exploring the temporary exhibitions and permanent collections.

  • You do not need to book general admission tickets. However, booking via the online ticketing service is required for guided tours and certain workshops and events.

  • Tickets or items purchased in the shop cannot be refunded.

  • Yes, your entry ticket gives you access to the whole museum. There are no separate tickets for the different exhibitions.

  • Admission is free for visitors under the age of 18.

  • Yes, as long as you don’t use the flash. Feel free to share your photos on social media and tag the museum: @museepontaven.

  • Suitcases are not permitted in the exhibition rooms; a cloakroom is available.

  • Yes, the ticket is valid for the whole day of purchase. You will need to show it at the ticket office to re-enter the museum.

  • Yes, you’re welcome to draw as long as you only use pencil and take care not to touch the works.

  • Yes, the museum also has buggies/strollers available for visitors to borrow during their visit.

  • The museum systematically offers a family trail to visit its temporary exhibition.

  • There is no designated picnic area, but you can sit at the harbour or in the Bois d’Amour. There are also many restaurants in the town.

  • Animals are not permitted in the museum, with the exception of guide dogs and assistance dogs.

  • Please see the “Getting to the museum” page for all the information you need on access and parking.