Right now :
Femmes chez les Nabis. De fil en aiguille.

From Saturday, June 22, to Sunday, November 03, 2024

The collections

Discover the works of Gauguin, Sérusier and many others.

Maurice DENIS (1894 - 1989)

Maternity at Pouldu, evening effect, 1899, oil on canvas, purchase, inv 2015.5.1

Maurice DENIS (1870 - 1943)

Bather at Port-Blanc, 1925, oil on canvas, purchase with participation from FRAM,...

H.F Van den ANKER ; F. QUIGNON (1832 - 1883 et 1854 -1941)

Enseigne de la Pension Gloanec, entre 1880 -1881, huile sur toile, don manuel,...

Georges LACOMBE (1868 - 1916)

Breton portant un enfant, vers 1894, huile sur toile, achat avec...

Henry MORET (1856 - 1913)

Rochers au bord de l'Aven, vers 1891, huile sur toile, achat avec...

Armand SEGUIN (1869 - 1903)

Nu de la Comtesse d'Hauteroche, juin 1896, huile sur toile, achat, in...

Éric FORBES-ROBERTSON (1865 - 1935)

Young Breton and Breton, 1892, oil on canvas, purchase with...

Marie LUPLAU (1848 - 1925)

The Bois d'Amour in Pont-Aven, 1883, oil on canvas, manual gift, inv...

Charles FILIGER (1863 - 1928)

Rocky landscape, Le Pouldu, circa 1891, gouache on cardboard, manual donation...

Émilie BERNARD (1868 - 1941)

Étude pour "Le Blé noir", 1888, huile sur toile, donc manuel, inv. 1999.12.1

Mogens BALLIN (1871 - 1914)

The Church at Saint Nolff, circa 1892, gouache on paper, purchase with...

Claude-Émilie SCHUFFENECKER (1851 - 1934)

Portrait of Madame Champsaur, 1890, oil on canvas, purchase with...

Paul SÉRUSIER (1864 - 1927)

Portrait of Marie LAGADU, 1889, oil on canvas, purchase with...

Wladyslaw SLEWINSKI (1856 - 1918)

Still life with apples and candlestick, circa 1897, oil on canvas,...

Émilie BERNARD (1868 -1941)

Landscape of Pont-Aven or the Red Tree, 1888, oil on canvas, purchase...

Meijer De HAAN (1894 - 1989)

Landscape with a blue tree, between 1889 and 1890, oil on canvas, purchase with...

Maurice DENIS (1894 - 1989)

Maternity at Pouldu, evening effect, 1899, oil on canvas, purchase, inv 2015.5.1

Maurice DENIS (1870 - 1943)

Bather at Port-Blanc, 1925, oil on canvas, purchase with participation from FRAM,...

H.F Van den ANKER ; F. QUIGNON (1832 - 1883 et 1854 -1941)

Enseigne de la Pension Gloanec, entre 1880 -1881, huile sur toile, don manuel,...

Georges LACOMBE (1868 - 1916)

Breton portant un enfant, vers 1894, huile sur toile, achat avec...

Discover the Pont-Aven school

The Pont-Aven School brings together a posteriori under the same label, different artists who regularly came to paint in Pont-Aven, which was then only a small Breton town of 1,500 inhabitants located between Concarneau and Quimperlé, in the south- east of Finistère in Brittany, at the end of the 19th century.

The best-known artists were Paul Gauguin (arrived in 1886), Émile Bernard, Paul-Émile Colin, Paul Sérusier, Charles Filiger, Maxime Maufra, Henry Moret, Ernest de Chamaillard, Louis Roy. The most varied styles of painting, from the synthetism of Félix Jobbé-Duval to the post-impressionism of Maxime Maufra, were practiced.